we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design
we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design
we have some ideas and more about how to achieve an innovative design

”…le design n’est pas un objet, c’est un éternel sujet”
[Julia Fauser, ” tout a un sens interdit”, Lausanne1959]
how do we plan
how do we price
how do we provide
How do we
price our job
We think that pricing the design is a challenge for the clients. Designers can't promise the result, the success of it nor any ROI. No one can price the design benefits. Therefore, to answer the demands , we have identified 3 levels of gradation in the design partnership to deliver a final quality product in all cases and leave the client in a comfortable position to make the right choice
The concept of the product is improved by marketing analysis and a strong engineering concept. The target is defined, the user understood, the price, the process, the competitors are known. The client has already made a lot of work. He needs an object to sell
The designer shall confirm the option and come quickly with a design. A line with shapes that fit prospectively with the corporate image of the company and the market. Proposing 3D design and images 3D models and prototypes of the final aspect.
A design shell that help selling the whole project.
The client has a clear idea of the market and a good feeling of the needs and an answer with technical functionalities. The competitors are identified. May be a prototype is already demonstrating the technology proofing the concept. And the target price is clear.
But the thing that will disqualify the the competitors is not yet clear.
The designer shall clarify and improve the promise, define a User profile and a Program.
The designer shall Propose a Positioning concept with moodboard and a storytelling to define the basis of the design line.
The designer then is assembling technics, technologies, engineering and user interfacing to obtain a product.
The designer shall support all aspects of Patent approach and administrative need.
Step after step the designer will produce 2D concepts, sketches, 3D models and prototypes to improve the concepts and technologies together with the engineers and R&D to match all aspects.
The designer shall propose 3D design and images 3D models and prototypes of the final aspect with production files and follow the tests of pre-production
The client has an idea. A clear idea of the product and its market positioning. But no idea about how to make it, how it should look like. The technologies, the design, engineering, production plant …
It is a total project to define and program, from Design concept to retail shops delivery !
The Designer will help the client with the construction of the project it self. Preparing a track, defining and editing a target and objectives with the client making sure not closing wrong doors step by step.
The designer shall Propose a Positioning concept with moodboard and a storytelling to define the basis of the design line.
The client may take the decisions for Brand image with a clear view.
The designer shall define the service to the user, structure the technics and technologies with the client.
Define User interfacing and technologies, engineering design concepts. And propose the scenario of Usability.
The client may take the decisions for engineering concept with a clear view.
The designer knows when Intellectual property is a Key aspect of the value and will design its concept accordingly .
The designer shall support all aspects of Patent approach and administrative need.
Step after step the designer will produce 3D models and prototypes to improve the concepts and technologies together with the engineers and R&D.
The client may approve the decisions process in progress and make the final choices well informed in all fields of the development process.
The designer shall propose 3D design and images 3D models and prototypes of the final aspect with production files and follow the tests of pre-production, participate to the corrections and final changes to sign the new design.
"No innovative industrialist can afford to ignore the power of the design. this is the price of it!”
“The prototech design tool" damien BIHR©2017